Classroom Training
Classroom football official training for new officials (mandatory for first and second year officials) is held every Monday from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Riverside High School media center (library). Classroom training dates are as follows:
7/10/23 7/17/23 7/24/23 |
7/31/23 8/07/23 8/14/23 |
Field Training
Field training for new officials (mandatory for first and second year officials) will be held on The Bolles (High) School football field every Thursday from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Field training dates are as follows:
7/13/23 7/20/23 7/27/23 |
8/03/23 8/11/23 (Graduation Scrimmage) |
Officiating Transition
Training for officials in their third year of experience and beyond will be held every Monday in the Lee High School auditorium from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Classroom training dates are as follows:
8/07/23 8/14/23 8/21/23 |
8/28/23 9/04/23 9/28/23 |